Car Ride Conversations

A few weeks ago I attended the ReGeneration conference which Josh McDowell and Sean McDowell were the main speakers. There was a section that the father and son dual dialogued on stage sharing how Josh McDowell passed the faith to his children via intentional conversations in the car rides. Josh mentioned about the family devotional book that he wrote, which captured some of their everyday faith conversations. It triggered me to dream about putting together a 「問問孩子系列」(chat with your kids) to help parents connect with kids in the car rides.

Here are my first week’s attempt in putting together the daily car ride conversations. Give them a try.

12/7: 問問孩子

As Christmas is fast approaching, your kids may have expressed their Christmas wish list. Have you thought about asking your kids this question? I asked my kids this question a couple years ago in a car ride to lunch. It made a great impact on me.

Me: if there is one thing you would like mommy to do to be a better mom, what would that be?

Kids: spend more FUN time with us. You have spent a lot of time with us, but not so much fun time.

Indeed, I spent so much effort preparing the daily needs for them that I overlooked this longing within their hearts!

Wonder what would be the answer from your kids? Give them a try with the same question.

12/8: 問問孩子 - Christmas Wish

On your way to church, ask your kids to name a few Christmas wishes that are not material. Wonder what their answers will be?

12/9: 問問孩子 - Thought Ping Pong

When your kids hop into your car, you will probably ask how their days go and if they don’t have much to say, try to invite them to play this “thought ping pong.” Take turn to share one thought that pop up in your mind throughout the day. They share one and you share one. Just like how you would play table tennis with a ping pong ball. Don’t turn the thought into long sharing and don’t comment on their thoughts. This will give you a window to get into their world as an attentive listener.

12/10: 問問孩子 - Thought Catcher

Take turn to share with your kids some negative thoughts that may have surfaced over the day. Pretend you each have an invisible catcher in your hands to capture those thoughts. After each is done sharing, exclaim the word "captured" together imagining the negative thoughts are being held captive in a bottle.

-- 2 Cor. 10:5b "bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ."

This is an great article to read or listen that is related to this topic:

12/11: 問問孩子-Transformer Talks (part 1)

If your kids have played any toys that has the transforming feature turning from one thing into a different thing, invite them to walk down the memory lane to recall those toys and what they like about the transformation features.

12/12: 問問孩子-Transformer Talks (part 2)

If you can transform into anyone or anything you like, who or what would you be like to become? If you remain as you, but are able to transform (change) a few things, which area(s) would you like to change?

{Don't just ask your kids, share your answers as well}

12/13: 問問孩子-Transformer Talks (part 3)

When a toy is transformed from one thing to another (say from car to robot), it needs you as the outsider to help it transformed. Suppose we can also transform our negative thoughts and bad habits for better, what do you think are the factors that can help us change?

** Note for parents: listen to your child to recount the sources in their lives that impact them. Help them list out as many factors as they can possibly think of. Don't just have them talk, you also share source of influences in your lives as well. Try to conclude the conversation by bringing up the point that WHAT WE PUT INTO OUR EYES AND EARS MATTERS FOR THEY CAN POSSIBLY CHANGE OUR MINDS FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE. **

Consider using Romans 12:2 and stress on the word MIND. "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. . . "

I am attaching a page excerpt from the book "True Spirituality" by Chip Ingram for your reference. It will help you prepare the chat with your kids.

Renewing of your mind.jpg