I tried out two types of marinate. Both are citrus base with one orange and 1/4 lemon, salt & pepper. But the one with lemon I have added thyme and balsamic vinegar which may be a bit strong for kids. Let it marinate for at least a few hours so the citrus can make the chicken more tender. There are also two types of cooking method you can consider. Both are pan fried first with garlic, then transfer to the oven 350 degree for 30 minutes. When the chickens are done, you can either 1) thicken the left over juice (from oven and in the pan), thicken it and pour it over the chicken, put back to oven to grill, or 2) you can transfer the chicken from oven to the pan, cook until juice thicken in the consistence you expect. Garnish with oranage or lemon.

If you have followed my simple recipe series and have tried out the duck leg version, this is the same approach but with chicken legs. Less fat and faster to cook.

This is not the real deal of traditional 紙包雞,but with similar essence. I love the combined taste of garlic salt and teriyaki sauce. Get the chicken wings from Coscto, already cut. 5 minutes prep time. Marinate and bake at 350 degrees for 40-50 minutes depending on the size of the wings. No need to flip (so you can catch up stuff without worrying about the stove). Present it with the trimmed parchment paper to impress your guests with your 戰跡! Plus easier to clean the plate. Another time saver. Save the source, can be used for a noodle dish ==> will show you in another post!

I like this brand of sausage from Costco. It is fully cooked and without nitrites, which most sausages have it. The ingredient list is somewhat simple and mainly consisted of natural items.

The sausages can be burn quite easily. So, I cook it very briefly on stove, then in oven until it's hot enough. When the dish is very simple, try to work on the garnishment to make it stand out nicely.

This is a 10 mins prep and 15 mins cooking time recipe. Marinate the chicken breast with garlic salt. Crush the corn flakes and mix it with chicken. Bake at 350 degree for 15 minutes. No need to flip.

Tips: You can add grounded black or white pepper powder to taste if preferred. Make sure you use the original corn flake and not frosted one. Serve when it is hot out of oven. It won't taste good the next day, so only cook the portion you need.

Use the sandwich bag to crush the corn flakes. Your kids would have fun in the process. It tastes like fried chicken, but much healthier and it is gluten free!

This is an easy dish that takes only 10 minutes preparation time. Use the seasoning to put on the duck right before you bake. No need for in advance marinating. Bake at 350F for 50 minutes to one hour, flip it once. A lot of oil will drip, make sure you elevate the duck with a rack so oil can flow down. This is one of my kids' favorite. Also a dish that you can catch up stuff multi-tasking during the cooking time!

I always love the taste combining soy sauce and ginger. If you get the boneless chicken thigh from Costco, they trim the fat well. You can marinate in the morning and it would be ready to steam in the evening. It takes about 20 minutes. So when the rice is done, chicken would be ready at the same time. The sauce that comes out from the steaming process is very yum. Perfect to pour over rice. My kids love it.