One-Year Later with Healthy Spiritual Diet

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About a year ago, I posted a short writing on the healthy spiritual diet. The chapter of “Could your mental diet be killing your soul?” from the book True Spirituality challenged me so much. Since then, I pushed myself to take a good look at my spiritual diet. It gets me thinking

1. We spend so much time each day on physical meals (cooking or dining out). What if we are determined to spend the compatible amount of time on spiritual diet partaking God’s Words?

2. We all know the importance of home-cooked healthy meals. What if we start preparing home-cook spiritual meals for ourselves and not only rely on the sermons or spiritual books with messages processed by others?

With these two realizations in mind, I bought some small notebooks to create my own version of cliff notes. I hope to eventually do all 66 books in the Bible. This can well be the spiritual legacy that I would like to hand down to my kids one day, each page filled with their mother's genuine thoughts as she walks with the Lord.

I started the journey of reading the letters written by Paul, one book in a month with in-depth reading and reflecting. I only relied on the Study Bible and tools to help me get to know the context more, without getting to any commentary so I can interact with God's Words and have the first-hand taste of the passage in personal ways.

After one year’s hard work and consistency, it made such a positive impact on my spiritual life. With that, it set me on a journey like never before. With the accompany of a faithful accountability partner, we read Howard Hendricks’ Living by the Book together and have applied the reading methods to our Scripture reading. We just wrapped up the book of Ephesians a few days ago using the first three of the ten strategies of reading laid out in the book. It was such an epic experience. Each morning, I exchanged texts with my accountability partner regarding the home-cook spiritual breakfast that we had and it was very interesting to see how God ministered to us personally with the same passage.

I just started my fifth notebook on the book of Acts and I can honestly say this is one of the biggest spiritual blessings I have received since I came to know the Lord. I am so thankful for the experience. Give it a try and you will be amazed by the transformation power it brings!