A touching scene off stage

Just finish attending the pastoral conference. We did have a few well-known speakers with us this year, but what left a strong impression on my mind is not the message from any of them. Instead, it was a scene off stage.

In one of the sessions, I was sitting a few rows behind one of the speakers who was not scheduled to speak in that particular session. So, he naturally became one of the audience. As I glanced over, I was so surprised to see his Bible and note pad wide open and he was dropping rows after rows of note. I was so impressed and was touched by that genuine desire to learn continuously.

In the finale session, he spoke a concluding message and encouraged the audience to stay attentive to God's personal revelation through the speakers. The relevancy and personalized message do not depend on how amazing the speakers are, but rather, how eager we are to open our ears with attentiveness. Indeed, leaders are learners.

As we start this brand new year, why not take the opportunity to formulate a plan to grow, learn and stay curious? If this post motivates you some what, check out the following link for more ideas on how to develop a habit of curiosity. The article also includes a very touching behind-the-scene about Hillsong. May we all grow stronger in 2017.
