
The Chords of Our Hearts

This week in our staff devotion, a brother led the song "Give Me Jesus" by Fernando Ortega. It was the first time I heard of the song, and I totally enjoyed it. Both the melody and the lyrics are so simple, yet, charming. It gave me moments of pause, and helped me refocus on the core of lives. Like what the lyrics says, "In the morning when I rise, give me Jesus . . ." May our every morning starts with such yearning.

It brings me back to a talk by pastor Andy Stanley in which he shared a simple prayer that he did for years and years: "Lord, help me see as you see, so I can do as you ask." Imagine if we start each day with such determination to see as God sees and do as God asks, how different would our lives be.

Moments ago, I took out my girl's guitar wanting to take a picture to go along with this blog. When I laid the guitar out, I noticed that there were two stickers on the guitar to help my girl anchor her hands. By doing so, she would strike the chords at the right position and the sound would be warm and full. Isn't it the same way as we journey through lives? If we start each morning crying out for Jesus, pleading for divine perspective to comprehend the events about to unfold and the obedience to follow suit; then, the chord of our heart would for sure sing out a song that is pleasing to God. 

Mark 1:35-37 says,

"Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed. Simon and his companions went to look for him, and when they found him, they exclaimed: “Everyone is looking for you!”

After the busy ministries, Jesus went to a solitary place and when the crowds found him, they said "Everyone is looking for you." Fast forward to today, do you echo with that phrase, "Everyone is looking for you?" We set our iPhone alarm. Early in the morning, we wake up, we reach for our iPhone and we check email, text, FB. And all the messages are crying out loud, "EVERYONE IS LOOKING FOR YOU."

Lord, help us set the priority right. Help us guard that solitary place in You before our immediate context cries out "EVERYONE IS LOOKING FOR YOU." May we learn the art of saying NO and practice the Holy presence in the midst of chaotic and fast paced life with pressing demands and deadline. "In the morning when I rise, give me Jesus . . ." "Help me see as You see, so I can do as You ask." Help us ground our lives on PRAYER, Lord!

Here is the song "Give me Jesus," may it bless your day! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_3c1tLhUgM