

Yesterday when I put a post on my blog, my daughter was reading along. When she read through the sentence, " As I am glaring at the pool water floating up and down," she said, "GLARE?, do you mean GLANCE?" I asked her what does "GLARE" mean? She said it means you look angrily. Wow, it dawned on me that just two letters off, it meant a day-and-night difference, though both words refer to looking.

And so, just for fun, we brainstormed over the dinner table to see how many words we can find with the meaning of "look." We came up with a list of 20.

Detect, Examine, Gaze, Glance, Glare, Inspect, Look, Notice, Observe, Peek, Scan, See, Skim, Spot, Spy, Stare, Study, Survey, View, Watch.

Isn't it amazing? Indeed, there are different ways of looking at the same thing, with various pace and depth. Which one describes your current stage?