
On "Passion" & "Opportunity"

If I ask you to define passion, what would you say? The Merriam-Webster defines it as "a strong feeling of enthusiasm or excitement for something or about doing something." We all have passion to certain extent. Things that we naturally get excited about doing, even though we may not be necessarily good at them. 

I always love "The CBS On the Road stories by Steven Hartman." Yesterday, I heard the interview about a basketball hero without hands. It brought back the memory of a similar amazing story aired back in 2013, also about a basketball player. I have included both links below for you to watch. They are truly amazing.

Both news clips are about children with some physical limitations. We may naturally rule these people out from the team, but not these two special coaches. In both cases, the coaches and teams were willing to give these youngsters a chance. And with that, they embraced the opportunity and shine. It gets me reflect on two principles in lives:

1. If there is any passion in your heart, pursue it, even when it stands at odd with the chance of succeeding. There is a certain reason why that level of passion exists in you. When you put your heart and mind to it, it will bring great joy. The value may not lie in the success of crossing the finish line, but rather, in the process of trying and exploring.

2. If we are ever put in any type of leadership position, may we we lead not with our mind only, but also with our heart. May we gain perspective that relies not solely on objective evaluations, but compassion as well. It is when our arms of love extend out that miracles happen.

With that, I invite you to take a look at these two minutes-long clip. May you watch with your heart.