Be a Moment Maker

It's Friday evening now and it had been a busy day at work with meetings back-to-back most of the day; along with taking care of my two kids. As I pulled out my car from the parking lot heading to the make-up guitar class with my kids, it was 5:30pm. Last time I checked my calendar, the class was sitting in the 6:30pm slot. Just to be sure, I retrieved the email with the instructor to double check the class time. Man, as I glanced the email, I realized the make-up class was supposed to be at 5pm, not 6:30pm.

With the extreme annoyance about my oversight and felt bad about the tuition that I wasted, we went out for a quick meal. As I vented my frustration over the dinner, my boy leaned over to give me a hug and said, "It's okay, everyone makes that kind of mistakes once a while." He then pulled out his iPad and showed us the comics to cheer me up. It worked. I started to wind down and we shared laughter. We ended up had a nice meal with chats and joyful conversation. This is the snapshot of our meal time fun.

After dinner, we went for a quick stop at Target. As we browsed through the toy aisle, the instructor called. Turned out that he forgot about the lesson as well and was out for a short trip today. Since it's a make-up class that didn't fall on the regular routine, we both overlooked. What an coincident!

As I concluded the day, I thought of the book, "The Moment Maker" by Carlos Whitaker.

Live with purpose and on purpose. When you pay attention, you will discover that the opportunity for moments is surrounding you right now. This moment.

As we start the summer vacation with our kids, there will sure be moments that we simply miss the mark. In those times, may we choose to pause, steer it away from disappointment and choose to see beyond the imperfection. May we become the moment maker, stitching minutes into precious memories for our loved ones.