Moment Maker - Freedom Box

In the book H3 Leadership, Brad Lomenick mentioned Carlos Whittaker's book, Moment Maker. The example of Carols Whittaker caught my attention. Carols starts his day at 5am with exercise and begins working by 6 am. He doesn't check email until 9am. He said, "email gives the steering wheel to someone else. When I open it, I am no longer in charge. So I wait until after I finish with me to help them." Carlos also sets up a freedom box in his home where all the digital devices go into that box until the kids go to bed. What a discipline!

I love the Freedom Box idea a lot. And so, my girl and I went to search for our own version of freedom boxes over the weekend. We found two plain ones and got some alphabet stickers to go along with them so we can personalize the boxes. I name mine the "Freedom Box" and promise her to put my iPhone in it and not to check email until after her bed time. We name hers Calm Realm. She promises to lock her tandrum into the calm realm.

We are so prone to multi-tasking in this era hoping to achieve more with less time. But may be sometimes less is more. When we slow down and give the undivided attention to ones around us, we are

making a moment that stands out and is spectacular. It's about making someone feel valued through that moment. Because of the thought you put into it. Because they know they are worth that much. --- from Moment Maker

Thank you for guarding the moment, my Freedom Box.