Life Fragrance

When I was in high school, one of the subjects we had to learn is cookery. And for some reasons, the instructor at that time only taught us about baking, and never touched on the main meal preparation. Being a practical gal, I always felt that it was such a waste of time, especially when she demonstrated how to sprinkle the powder sugar on pastry. I never appreciated those extra steps.

Two years ago, I had the opportunity to help organize a weekly group gathering. With that, I got the opportunity to prepare refreshment from time to time. To my surprise, the skill sets that I once thought as impractical came in handy. It's so true that none of the things we learned along the way will ever be wasted if we are mindful.

Tonight as I browsed through the pictures of the refreshment I made in the past years, I was amazed by the passion and heart that I have poured into each of them. Wanna take a look? Here is the slide show. 

We live in a time with such a fast-paced lifestyle. Things seem constantly changing. But if you think about it, one that has remained rather constant over the ages is food: we all have to eat. And because of that, food can be an amazing channel to minister and bless people around us. Wanna see how far the blessed food can go to bring transformation? Check out the sermon below, you would be amazed.

I thought of the testimony of this ice-cream lady often when I prepared the group refreshment. I hope and pray that the ones who taste my food would also be blessed with joyful spirit. Below is the clip of that testimony, may it bring you encouragement. Never look down on the impact you can bring through the seemingly ordinary platform. The home-cook food from your kitchen can well be an healing agent in God's hand. 

May our lives be like bottles of fragrance, taking whatever lessons that God allows us to absorb. And at due time, be bold and sensitive to God's call to step out, open the cap of the bottle and let the fragrance permeate in whichever context God guides us to.

10/18/2015 要為主走出去 | 劉彤牧師 |