Every Kid Needs A Tribe

I saw these flowers in a shopping center this morning, and I got attracted by their beauty. Their charm is not so much on individual flowers, but collectively as a group. Not a single flower particularly stands out, but their togetherness does carry a "wow" impact.

Living in a very individualistic social setting may naturally make parents and kids compare and compete with each other; but in fact, we should embrace and nurture our children as a village.


Being an introverted person, I don't usually enjoy group gatherings and often find myself lost and feel out of place in the midst of the conversations. Recently, as I revisited the parenting principles laid out in the book "Parenting Beyond Capacity," it reminds me once again the importance of pursuing strategic mentoring relationships for our children and the value of community.


When kids are at the younger age, we as moms spend a lot of energy being in the center of their schedules: taking care of their routines and planning their activities. As I am about to step into another season of parenting, I am seeking ways to take a step back to play the supportive role, to cultivate the sense of community for my kids so the voices of the potential mentors can surface to the foreground.

We live in such a fast-paced era, it is harder than ever to find mentors who are committed to invest in our kids' lives. And if we are not intentional, chances are the mentoring relationship would never take root. Being inspired by the book, I have started praying for five positive voices in my son's life as he enters into the preteen stage. Indeed, it takes a village to raise a child. Everybody needs a circle and every kid needs a tribe. Lord, help me pour out my energy in the coming years to invest in the village, to embrace the tribe and connect the community that goes after Your own heart!

Here is a short article on this topic if you are interested. 