Last week we had a team meeting. The topic was about building up healthy habits. We were challenged to pick two habits we wanted to work on and committed to do it regularly in both quantity and frequency. The two that I shared with my team were: 1. Teach my kids to cook; and 2. Write on my blog regularly. And so here I am, trying to take a small step. I am going to try to set aside 30 minutes per week and simply free write to see what comes to mind.
I am sitting at the pool side watching my daughter swim now. As I am glancing at the pool water floating up and down; my mind lands on a conference talk by Wilfredo De Jesus in 2016 Global Leadership Summit on the topic of "Stay on the Course."
Here are some of his points that particular touched me:
Quotes From Wilfredo De Jesus from the 2016 Global Leadership Summit:
- A leader who stops learning stops leading.
- If there was ever a time leadership was needed it is now. We need men and women of God to lead in their communities.
- We have a culture that’s drifting.
- No one drifts upstream. No one drifts toward holiness. It is our natural tendency to drift away from God.
Yes, it is natural for us to have the tendency to drift . . . Indeed, staying in the course doesn't come effortlessly. It does take intentionally, discipline and tenacity.