My Journey (Part 4): The Longing of This Lifestyle

If you have been a Christian for some time, you may have experienced the roller-coaster type of spiritual ride. There are spiritual plateau where we feel very close to God; but somehow those moments are not long-lasting. We travel through the highland only to see valleys laid ahead of us. In the summer when my son was about to enter into Kindergarten, I was struggling in a spiritual wilderness. I had been wandering there for more than five years by that time. I didn’t know how much longer I would stay in that situation, but I longed for a breakthrough.

The breakthrough quietly announced its arrival at the moment when I picked up this book: The Quest for Excellence. My husband brought the book home from a Kindergarten class orientation. It is a book written by Valley Christian School’s superintendent recounting how the school built its high school campus. To be honest, I didn’t expect much from this book thinking that it was probably just a school history book. However, this phrase on its cover attracted me: Living the Supernatural Life Naturally. When I saw that, I muttered, “Is it even possible?” Nevertheless, I picked up the book and read, out of an obligation to understand my kids’ school more.

Boy, the moment I started reading, I was captivated. This book has since become the most important book in my spiritual walk. I have been recommending it to many brothers and sisters. The twists and turns in the journey are simply applauding. I often use this Chinese phrase to describe it: 武俠小説, 峯㢠路轉. The moment a crisis was resolved, another bigger wave was coming its way; but God saw it through all of them, bestowing His supernatural wisdom to the ones who were willing to listen. I specifically remember one incident when the school was trying to get a piece of land, and the superintendent negotiated with the other party SO WISELY. It was evident that he was using God’s wisdom to carry the conversation with the seller. And he did it so naturally and spontaneously, right at the spot. That draw my attention. I want that life style, that kind of close walk with God to a point that His thoughts becomes mine and His wisdom flow through me naturally. I want to live that kind of supernatural life NATURALLY.

Isaiah 55:8-9 (NLT) says, “My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,” says the Lord. “And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.” Who wouldn’t long to tab into the divine wisdom as we face the life challenges; and to live a life with the purpose God has created us for.

Let me conclude today’s post with a quote from the book. If you are in the wilderness today seeking for pasture, or facing a daunting assignment that is beyond your capacity, may it bring you encouragement.

"Again I poured out my heart to the Lord about the futility of captaining a ship on its way down. This time I sensed a strong response: 'I, not you, am Captain of this ship. It’s not going down with Me on board. I’m going to turn this ship around.' My eyes widened as my faith rose. It would take a miracle. But I remembered the Gospel stories about the disciples sailing on the Sea of Galilee. When Jesus is on board, I realized, the ship never sinks, no matter how fierce the storm." (p.26)

. . . to be continued . . .