My Journey (Part 2): The Art of Listening

Happy Valentine's Day.

We all long for love, but we may all have different definitions of love. One of the best definitions that I have heard about love is from Pastor Tong: 愛就是用心注視對方. (Haha, wonder if he would use this phrase in tomorrow's sermon). That is so true. Love is not about doing things or buying things for our loved ones, but rather, a heart that is open and ears that are attentive!

Be attentive to God involves pausing and listening to what He has to say. In the early days when I started learning to hear God's voice, I often used these three tools. If you are in that seeking stage, hope you find them helpful.

  1. A note book that I kept at home to write down the Bible verses that jumped out in that day's Scripture reading.
  2. A note book that I carried in my handbag wherever I went. I used that to drop down the notes from sermons, highlights from books and any phrases popped up in my mind that may have some significant meanings.
  3. A journal to record the experience of milestones. Often time, God speaks to us through the events unfolding around us. I believe that both the timing and the sequences of events are imperative. Our memory is often short and misleading, the best way to keep accurate record of our experience is journaling.

Armed with these tools, I set out to seek God and long to hear His voice through Scripture verses, speakers, books, thoughts and experience. Indeed when we seek Him with all our heart, we will find Him. As 2 Timothy 2:13 says, even "if we are faithless, He remains faithful."

. . . to be continued . . .